I've had the opportunity to lecture in both the EECS and Neuroscience departments at Berkeley. In the EECS department, I started as a volunteer tutor and fell in love with teaching. From there I joined the course staff as a TA for CS 61a, the first CS class required for the major. After a few semesters of being a TA, I was promoted to Head TA and designed a project that has been assigned to ~10,000 students and counting. My teaching career at Berkeley culminted with being hired as one of the instructors and lecturers for the class. The photo above is from the lecture hall in Dwinelle where I was supposed to lecture, but unfortunately the pandemic got in the way. Since graduating I've also been invited back to give a guest lecture on hyperdimensional computing for a graduate neuroscience class. If you want to see the classes that I have given lectures for, check this link out for the CS class and this link out for the neuroscience class.

I'm currently taking a small break from teaching as I transition from primarily being a student to primarily being a researcher. However I'm always looking for ways to stay involved in the teaching community, so feel free to reach out to me if you think there's any ways I could help!